eDECIDE is one of the first web-based platforms to help adults manage type 2 diabetes.

eDECIDE is one of the first web-based platforms to help adults manage type 2 diabetes.

What is eDecide?

eDECIDE is an adaption of the evidence-based DECIDE program. It was created to provide an online, easy access solution to diabetes self-management. eDECIDE is the first of its kind, delivering a self-guided program focused on helping adults develop problem-solving skills to manage their type 2 diabetes.

Learn more about the DECIDE Program >

Ready To Get Started?

“eDECIDE helped me overcome the challenges I had with managing my type 2 diabetes. I am now exercising, eating healthier, and meeting my target numbers consistently.”

Benefits of eDecide

Lower A1C Levels

Lower Blood Pressure

Lower Cholesterol

Improved Knowledge of Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease

Increased Ability to Problem-Solve Health Related Problems

Better Self-Management Behaviors

(e.g., medication adherence, healthy eating, physical activity, self-monitoring)